Wing Walls | Types of Wing Walls | Bridge Engineering | Transportation - Learn with Ashiso

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Wing Walls | Types of Wing Walls | Bridge Engineering | Transportation

  • The walls constructed on either side of an abutment to support and protect the banks of the river are known as the wing walls.

  • The bridge wing walls are the structure components extending the bridge abutments to retain the earth in the approach Bank wing wall
    retains soil for Roadways, abutment and approach in abutment, which can be at a right angle to the abutment.

Types of wing wall:-

1. Straight wing wall

The wing walls constructed in line with the abutment and they are known as a straight wing wall suitable for a small bridge and culvert.

2. Splayed wing wall

The wing wall constructed at an acute angle with the abutment at both of their ends are known as a splayed wing walls the inclination of wing walls is usually 45 degree.

3. Return wing walls

When angle of walls becomes 90 degree the wing walls are known as the return wing walls. This type of wing walls are suitable in case when the embankment of approaches are very high.


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